
Winter Vacation Pictures, At Last!

After much waiting and getting distracted by other things going on around Toulouse, I've finally found the time and motivation to sort these pictures and get them uploaded. Having a laptop helps also! Most of the pictures that need captions have them, and a lot are just random shots that don't have a story behind them.

If I feel industrious later I might edit this post and give a narrative of the trip, but for now here are the pictures.

A View Worth Waking Up For
From Winter Vacation 2010


A little longer on the next update...

I came home from our week off of school and discovered my computer would no longer turn on. I'll be using a friend's computer to sort and upload the pictures but it will probably be early next week before I can sort and upload them all. It should be worth it though, I took almost 700 pictures and discovered the digital macro mode on my camera (to my travel companions dismay), and should be able to post a good number of them after the sorting is all done.

Back up your photos in more than one location!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone